About Meredith

Meredith is a rising author who captures life with passion and insight. From forging the future through engineering to preserving the past through homesteading, from a bright childhood to the precarious and surrealistic world of manipulative control, she writes of both the agony and joys of life with depth and sensitivity. As enduring through great suffering lends clarity and conviction (foremostly that God is good), it must be used to proclaim truth and strengthen others, so much of her efforts are directed towards equipping good people to stand strong in our increasingly deceptive world. But as the scars of pain only increase the value of joy, Meredith also captures the lighter side of life in her farm articles and children’s books. Her latest can be found in Farm & Ranch Living magazine, August/September 2022 edition.

Wordsmithery of the Month

Rearranging sentences can be both educational and amusing. Or even better (but considerably harder to achieve) are those amusing sentences whose meaning can be changed simply by changing the punctuation. The “Let’s eat (,) Grandma.” being the most famous. See what you can create.

  • This girl eats chicken every Sunday.
  • This chicken girl eats every Sunday.
  • This Sunday girl eats every chicken.
  • Every girl eats chicken this Sunday.
  • Every girl chicken eats this Sunday...

My Latest Adventure

One yet another visit to the great north, our adventures continued. This time it was in the form of cross-country skiing. Now, with four farm boys along, you know it couldn’t possibly be just a calm, normal family outing. As much as I might try… Charging out of the rental building with only cursory attention paid to the instructions, we found ourselves on a trail. I had heard enough to know that the instructor had recommended we stay on the green trail, so that’s where we headed, sort of. First by taking a short-cut downhill down a winding path. As a fairly proficient down hill skier, this was a bit beyond me. Waddling down, we ended on the green path– also down hill. This was not what I had imagined at all, but the boys were already out of sight, so I had to keep up. After quite a number of spills, I found sledding with them resulted in far fewer bruises. The boys, of course, rising to the challenge far beyond me, and also far ahead. But I persevered, because that is what mothers must do. It wasn’t until our return did we discover that there were two green paths, and we happened to have found the hiking one…